Dr. Antonio Serru Paez MD

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Dr. Antonio Serru Paez MD

Specialty:Internal Medicine

Dr. Antonio Serru Paez MD


Caring Heaalth Center

Las Vegas, NV 89102|2009 to Present|C.E.O & Managing Director|


University of Havana

Havana, Cuba|1989 – 1995|Doctor of Medicine|

University of Nevada School of Medicine

|Las Vegas, |NV 89106|2006 – 2009|Residency Program|

Comparison study of Branch versus Main trunk repetitive nerve stimulation of Facial nerve in normal subject

Venkatraman GK, Dholakia R, Mannam A, Venkatesh YS| 2014 |Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology

Toluene Toxicity in a Teenager
Rut Dholakia, Haider Chaudhry, Gauri Pawar | Annual Resident Presentation, Dept. of Neurology, West Virginia University|
Cocaine Induced Renal Infarction
Haisun Liao, Rut Dholakia, Linda Green|2006|ACP Meeting (Maryland Chapter)
Toluene Toxicity in a Teenager
Rut Dholakia, Haider Chaudhry, Gauri Pawar|2008|West Virginia University
Misdiagnosis of TIA in Young Patients
Rut Dholakia|2008
Leukoaraiosis in Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
Rut Dholakia |2008|Stroke Conference
Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome
2007| West Virginia University|
 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Rut Dholakia|2007|
Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
Rut Dholakia|2007|West Virginia University
CNS Infections: An Overview
Rut Dholakia|2007
Peripheral Neuropathy: A Clinical Approach
Rut Dholakia|2006|

Received Best Resident of the Year Award for second and Third Year

University of Nevada|2008





“Doctor Serru is an excellent doctor he always take care of me and he always listen at my health problems “

December 2023


“best doctor in town”

November 16, 2023


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